Accounting for its appearance, size and method of installing this kind of roofing tile in many ways similar to one mentioned above. The difference is that this roofing tile is of volume shape. At the account of this roofing covering performed with this tile looks more textured. While installing this roofing tile it is necessary to take into account the volume of this roofing material. Mating, abutment and framing elements should be fabricated accounting for this feature. Usually roofing side slopes are covered with this roofing tile. It is connected with the fact that roof slope covered with this roofing tile must have significant inclination to provide roofing coating leak resistance. There are several main kinds of volume roofing tile, i.e. square, rhomboid and trapezoidal. The most frequently used is rhomboid volume roofing tile.
“Metalroof” company fabricates several main kinds of roofing tile designed to coat both straight slopes and curved, arched slopes and arched roofs:
- Square roofing tile
- Rhomboid roofing tile
- Trapezoidal roofing tile
All elements are fabricated in our production area on seam-rolling and bending machines made in Ukraine, Germany, France, USA and machines made by ourselves. To produce roofing tile we use several machines made by ourselves which enables to make the process of roofing tile fabrication cheaper and faster. Production area capacity enables to fabricate from 30 to 100 m2 of roofing tile per day depending on tile size and kind.