All mansard windows offered by us for use together with standing seam roofing are designed accounting for climatic features of our region. However there is significant difference in materials for their fabrication: VELUX and FAKRO windows are fabricated from high quality wood and ROTO windows are from PVC.
Mansard windows are used for attic floor as alternative to cut-in windows and dormer windows (installed vertically). Advantages of mansard windows comparing to other kinds of windows:
- Main advantage of mansard windows is their high reliability.
- Window constructions service life makes more than 30 years.
- Perfect heat insulation features.
- Any roof inclination (from 15 to 90 degrees).
- Noise reduction effect.
Installing such constructions on roofing you can feel yourself comfortable even living in crowd place. Besides PVC mansard windows are characterized by complete tightness therefore dust penetration from outside is completely excluded.
- Light through mansard windows is distributed evenly around the whole space at this there is absence of zones which intercepts the light. Mansard windows let to pass the necessary light at less area of opening comparing to traditional windows. Minimum relation between mansard windows light area and floorage of all living rooms, kitchens, attic floors is established by norms and makes 1:10.
- And finally, the advantage of VELUX, FAKRO and ROTO mansard windows is modern design adding special hue to your room.
Calculation of dimensions and location height of the window must correspond to visual and anthropometric characteristics. At this, it is worth to mention that the top of window opening is to be placed not lower than 1,9 - 2,0 m above floor level and window size depends on roof inclination: the less is the inclination means the longer window. Correspondingly small in size windows can be installed only in roofs with big inclination and high windows are better for roofs with small inclination.
Mansard dormer window should be installed above heating device which provides warm air circulation. Thanks to such installation water vapor does not condensate on window’s glass and in winter it provides fast snow thawing. If there is a necessity to install window sill then it should be installed offset from the window and does not block air circulation. While installing mansard windows it is important to know about proper framing in of esconsons from inside (under the window - perpendicularly to the floor and above the window – parallel to the floor). The main purpose of this operation is to provide warm air circulation to avoid water vapor condensation on window glass.
If the roof is covered with standing seam roofing then mansard dormer window is placed on assemblage axis of roofing elements. Drainage gutter needs to be installed above mansard window. In case windows are assembled on roof trusses then the distance between them should be 3-7 cm bigger than the width of the window in order to have enough space for heat insulation installation. If the distance is less than mentioned above it is necessary to make additional construction. Disregard of assembling main principles may involve air motion troubles in sub roofing ventilation which will lead to sweating and heat insulation soaking. In case if window is used with standing seam roofing it is necessary to apply abutment for standing seam roofing. We are able to remake any abutment for fit standing seam roofing.
It is not recommended to place any furniture under mansard window. To provide good lighting in the attic floor daylight area of the room should make not less than 10% of illuminated space. All mansard dormer windows can be installed in any roofing having inclination from 15 to 90 degrees. There exists standard size of mansard dormer windows. Mansard windows dimensions are in the following range: height – from 78 to 160 cm and width – from 54 to 140 cm.
At seeming simplicity mansard windows assembling is a complicated technological process, which should be trusted to professionals. At poor assemblage mansard dormer windows are deformed which make worse their characteristics.
“Metalroof” LTD offers its services for VELUX, ROTO, and FAKRO mansard windows installation bought either in our company or in other vendor companies. Mansard windows’ assembling is performed by specialists of our company who have not only license for construction but also certificates to perform these kinds of jobs from companies-manufacturers of windows. All kinds of works are granted with 5 year guarantee.
We have an individual approach to every order. We offer discount for assembling works in case a number of windows is to be installed. Trust the professionals - “Metalroof” company in performing responsible work on mansard windows assembling.