Roofing repair works. Roofing restoration
In some cases even professionally arranged roofing of any type does not give a 100% guarantee that roofing can perfectly protect that roof impacts of precipitation and other negative factors. As a result there is a necessity to carry out roofing repair works. Roofing repair works include different jobs directed to return work condition to roofing. Irrespective of kinds and methods of roofing arrangement, roofing repair works can be classified as two main kinds of repairs, i.e. overhaul and routine repair.

Small volume of works implies roofing routine repair. Very often this repair works are necessary to remove small damages and small defects of roofing covering. For example, routine repair is often directed to removal the seam failures. In some cases replacement of roofing material is performed during routine repair.

In cases when it is required to replace all or almost all roofing you can not do this without overhaul which except these works may include works on removal of old roofing, roofing subconstruction repair works. New roofing painting and roof heat insulation may be performed during overhaul.

Quality roofing repair performed by qualified specialists is very important. If routine repair works are done timely and annually this will enable to significantly increase the service life of roofing. Besides it gives the possibility to notably reduce expenditures for building inside rooms heating and air cooling in summer. In case of making roofing repair works timely you can avoid additional and, as often as not, big material expenses related to overhaul.

Gutter system repair
During roofing repair works special attention is paid to gutter pipes which withdraw rain water and melt water from roof of the building. This function is performed satisfactorily if gutters are installed along verges with corresponding inclination (0,1-0,2%), which provides proper water withdrawal through gutter pipes and gutters themselves are cleaned from sand and other pollutants which block smooth water flow. Therefore, it is necessary to check gutters and drain pipes cleanness at least once a year and clean out pollutions; together with this it is necessary to check the state of gutter pipes fixation and in case the rust is found the fittings should be replaced by new ones.
In order to check the correctness of gutter inclination the gutter is filled with water and water flow is checked along the gutter to gutter pipe. If water in the gutter is blocked it means that the gutter is bent (upward or downward). The failure is eliminated with the help of wooden pad and hammer and in case gutter bend exists downwards then supporting loop of gutter is to be adjusted allowing removing deadlock and smooth water flow. Detachment of gutter pipes takes place due to their shift downwards. Therefore it is necessary to weld support bracket in the shape of triangle piece of copper which rests on collar clamp punched into the wall and supports the pipe in right position. After securing pipes with collar clamp detachment point should be welded again. Appeared in gutter and pipes cracks due to rust should be removed by washing damaged points with kerosene, cleaning ends with abrasive paper and soldering using copper patch pieces.
Incorrect position of gutter pipe bottom end relative to ground is often the reason of adjacent wall overwetting. If the pipe end is positioned too high above the ground or pavement then flowing water spatters the wall. Therefore to avoid wall wetting the end of drain pipe should be placed not more than 20 cm above the ground. A concrete valley is performed under the pipe end with inclination from the building.