From ancient times people improve their life by using various materials and metals, such as tin, copper, and silver. From 18th century Western Europe started to use zinc as building material. Pure zinc does not subject to corrosion but at the same time it is rather fragile. With the development of metallurgical industry in the middle of the 20th century a new alloy appeared in which fragile zinc was combined with a complex of alloying additions (copper, aluminum, and titanium). New zinc alloy got a new name as “zinc-titanium” having higher corrosion-proof and mechanical features thanks to titanium increased its strength and copper and aluminum added plasticity. Titanium-zinc alloy is composed of 99, 95% zinc, copper and aluminum make only 0,03%, and titanium makes 0,02%. Thanks to new unique features of titanium-zinc alloy it is widely used in building materials production, particularly in titanium-zinc roofing production.
As building material, titanium-zinc roofing does not contain harmful substances and absolutely harmless to human health. Furthermore this construction material is cheaper than copper roofing which makes it more cost-effective.
Titanium and zinc alloy has one more unique feature comparing to other construction materials. Protective oxidized film patina is formed on the surface of titanium-zinc roofing by itself. Its forming is started immediately after first interaction of material with environment. Patina forming lasts about 4–5 years. As a result titanium-zinc roofing looses its metallic luster and becomes even grey color. In a number of European countries a technology of zinc-titanium alloy artificial patina forming (aging) is successfully used in roofing material production. Natural colors of titanium-zinc roofing range from almost white to dark gray. During artificial patina-forming process titanium-zinc alloy roofing can have any color up to black one.
The only disadvantage of titanium-zinc alloy is the loss of its plasticity at environment temperature below +5. Therefore titanium-zinc roofing assembling is to be performed at temperature not less than +5°С. However, after finishing of titanium-zinc roofing assembling neither temperature drops impact the roofing. Assembled titanium-zinc roofs perfectly keep tightness and have high corrosion-proof parameters. They do not need special care.